Sponsorship category
Amount (€)
HoD Event participation fee
BDA Postgraduate courses
Diamond Partner10,000Free (**)1) 25 % reduction on 2 PG courses (**)

2) Logo on website and HoD mailings

Gold Partner8,000Free (**)1) 15 % reduction on 2 PG courses (**)

2) Logo on website and HoD mailings

Silver Partner5,000Free (**)1) 5 % reduction on 2 PG courses (**)

2) Logo on website and HoD mailings

Event PartnerEvent costFree (***)1) Partner presentation at the start of the event

2) Logo on event specific communication channels

3) Participation of five staff members at the event

(*) Participation reserved to selected activities.

(**) Valid for one staff member; elective courses excluded

(***) Valid for five staff members

Contact us about sponsorship options