- Prof. Dr. Keith Dinnie
- Senior Lecturer, Middlesex University Business School, London
Fields of specialization:
- Country branding and public diplomacy
- City and region branding
Short bio:
Keith Dinnie is the author of the world’s first academic textbook on nation branding, Nation Branding – Concepts, Issues, Practice, published in 2008 by Butterworth-Heinemann. He is the editor of the book City Branding – Theory and Cases, published in 2010 by Palgrave Macmillan. He has been Academic Editor of the journal Place Branding and Public Diplomacy. He has delivered seminars, conference speeches, presentations and lectures in the United States, United Kingdom, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Italy, South Africa, Iceland, Russia, Portugal, Greece, China, Korea, Malaysia and Japan.
His research interests focus on the application of strategic brand management techniques by national governments within the domains of tourism promotion, export promotion, inward investment attraction, and public diplomacy. His research covers the branding of cities and regions as well as nations.
He has published in various journals including Place Branding and Public Diplomacy, Journal of Current Japanese Affairs, Russian Journal of Communication, Journal of Brand Management, and International Marketing Review. His research and consultancy work includes projects conducted on behalf of market-leading consultancies Landor Associates and Burson-Marsteller, as well as innovative research conducted into the field of place branding amongst senior decision-makers and brand consultants on a worldwide basis. He is the founder of Brand Horizons consultancy.
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